Hey, I am Jason.

Who am I?

Hi, I'm Jason, on the way to become a front-end developer. From a civil enginnering background, I found my passion in programming at my year 4 study. At that time, I was working on my final year project which was related to machine learning and makeing GUI. From the process, I realized that the sense of accomplishment when I successfully debug or finished a feature is something I cannot find in civil enginnering works. Therefore, I decided to dig deeper into this field that I'm passionate about.

What did I learn so far?

First approaching computer science through taking CS50 online course, which covered a variety of programming languages and computer science concepts. The part of introducing web application really catched my eyeys, I found it really interesting to make a web appliation which is interactive, functional and good-looking. Therefore, I continued my learning in this particular field through online resources such as freeCodeCamp and YouTube. With the knowledge I've learned, I am able to build responsive website with interactions. Below and this website are some projects I built using different front-end skills. Let's take a look!


Survey form

An application form of a made up gym room. Mainly for practising the use of form element of HTML and simple css styling.

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Product landing page

Product landing page of a fake apple online store. Mainly for practising flexbox layout and responsive web design.

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Sunnyside agency landing page

A challenge by Frontend Mentor. Focusing on practising layout and responsive skills. A mobile navigation toggle is also performed.

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Documentation page

A technical documentation page about JavaScript. Mainly to practise responsive web design.

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Weather forecast website

A website that allows users to look up detail weather information for places all over the world.

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Random quote machine

A simple web built with React.js that create random quote.

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Tic tac toe

A simple tic tac toe game built with React.js.

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Todo list

A simple todo list built with React.js.

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Food ordering app

A food ordering app built with React.js.

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